
Comedy characters

Workshop on acting for the camera
Recommended age
De 9 a 12 años
Approximate duration
90 min
Date and venue
Calle del Conde Duque, 11 28015 Madrid
11/12/2022 5:30 PM
Comedy characters
Through practical exercises before the camera, we will use different resources to create a comedy character for films, series and advertising. The kids taking part will become familiar with the mechanics of filming and basic audiovisual narrative (shot size, framing and camera movements) so that actor and actress can find their place in the shot. We will work on the basic tools of acting: the body and the voice.


María Miguel

María Miguel

A graduate in Dramatic Art from ITAE (Gijón), she co-starred with Luis Tosar in Daniel Guzmán's film A cambio de nada, receiving the GAVA Award for best female performance at the Gijón International Film Festival. Other films include El mal ajeno, La punta del iceberg, The Garden of Eden and El abuelo. We has also appeared in such series as Cuéntame, Toledo, Hospital Central, B&B, Otros Mundos and HIT. Her latest TV work, in Alma and Sentimos las molestias, will appear in 2022. She writes and produces her own shows, Leona and AmorOdioAmor, and regularly works with children in theatre workshops and science and technological activities.