Nens i adults celebrant a l’escenari

Awards 2024

Audiences that vote and award prizes

At My First Film Festival, we love to award prizes and recognise the value of films by emerging talents. The festival has two competitive sections and two types of prizes, awarded by audiences and juries respectively. These prizes are worth a total of €6,900, awarded thanks to the active, critical participation of our young spectators!

Feature films in competition

Edició 2024

The feature film competition section includes a selection of films without a Spanish release. All the films are eligible for the Audience and Jury awards for Best Film, worthed with €1,000 and €4,000, respectively.

Short films in competition

Edició 2024

This competitive section presents a selection of animated short films produced in the last two years. The section is divided into three categories according to the recommended age. These short films are eligible for five prizes, two awarded by the jury and three by audiences. Together, these prizes are worth a total of €1,900.

Short Film Competiion +2 years

Short Film Competiion +2 years

Short film competition 4+ years

Short film competition 4+ years

Short film competition 7+ years

Short film competition 7+ years