Nens i adults celebrant a l’escenari

Jury 2024

The festival jury

The My First Festival jury is a mixed body formed by professionals from the film industry and the education sector and a group of children who apply to take part. The Madrid jury judges movies in the feature film competition, while the Barcelona jury awards the prizes in two of the short film competition categories.

Adult jury


My First Festival has invited six professionals from different areas of the audiovisual industry to take part. They will join the mixed jury to exchange opinions with the children and award prizes to the best feature film and the two best shorts.

Children's jury


We present our children's jury: all four replied to the festival’s public call to find the most film-loving children in the country. The exchanges of opinions between children and adults is one of the most enriching experiences at the festival.

Feature film competition

Lia Bernaus Roman

Lia Bernaus Roman

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