- Recommended age
- De 7 a 11 años
- Places
- 14
- Approximate duration
- 90 min
- Date and venue
Calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 20 28027 Madrid11/21/2021 11:30 AM
The Human Forest
Workshop on rotoscoping and stop-motion animation
- Recommended age
- De 7 a 11 años
- Places
- 14
- Approximate duration
- 90 min
- Date and venue
Calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 20 28027 Madrid11/21/2021 11:30 AM

Who said that autumn is sad and even trees and plants die of boredom? At this workshop we will prove that leaves, branches, nuts and even stones are alive and… highly animated!
You will learn what rotoscoping is and what it is used for in film, as well as the basics of stop-motion animation. We will record videos of the body, the hands, thearms, thehead and any other part we can think of and, through animation, will magically transform ourselves into fantastic beings in a human forest, using natural elements we have previously gathered in the countryside, the park or in the garden at home.

Giovanni Maccelli
Alterna la labor de director, productor y animador con la docencia como profesor de animación. En 2003 creó su propia productora, Zampanò Producciones, junto a Carlota Coronado

Carlota Coronado
Carlota Coronado es profesora universitaria, productora y directora de cine, y miembro de CIMA. Está al frente de Zampanò Producciones, la productora que creó junto a Giovanni Maccelli en 2003.