Goizeder Urtasun
Director, screenwriter and workshopper
Holder of degrees in Audiovisual Communication in Pamplona and in Script from ESCAC. She wrote, directed and photographed the full-length documentary Ximeneiak before collaborating in educational projects linked to culture, such as those promoted by the association A Bao a Qu.
Her planned feature Ederne (Road) is currently at the financing stage having won the support of ETB and various selections and grants. Meanwhile, she works as coordinator and script consultant for COOFILM women’s residencies. The pedagogical director (jointly with María Castejón) at CIMA10 Prime Vídeo and representative of the CIMA Educación working group, she collaborates with Primer Plano and Platino Educa. Finally, she directs the FLM Audiovisual School, focusing on film and functional diversity.