

Animation workshop
Recommended age
De 3 a 6 años
Approximate duration
90 min
Date and venue
Calle del Conde Duque, 11 28015 Madrid
11/05/2022 5:00 PM
This workshop has a dual purpose: firstly, to discover and explore the universe of emotions with kids and, secondly, to introduce them to the graphic codes for the creation and recognition of facial expressions.

During the activity, the children and their families will play with animation and the composition of images based on simple forms, learning how emotions can be expressed by cartoons. They will try to express different emotions on faces that they will make themselves using stationery materials, playing with forms, colours and basic elements such as eyebrows, lips, eyes, etc. Their work will then be used in a guessing game in which all the families will take part, testing their creative and expressive abilities. Finally, any children interested can animate their faces using stop-motion techniques.


Giovanni Maccelli

Giovanni Maccelli

Alterna la labor de director, productor y animador con la docencia como profesor de animación. En 2003 creó su propia productora, Zampanò Producciones, junto a Carlota Coronado
Carlota Coronado

Carlota Coronado

Carlota Coronado es profesora universitaria, productora y directora de cine, y miembro de CIMA. Está al frente de Zampanò Producciones, la productora que creó junto a Giovanni Maccelli en 2003.